Code for Nashville Scooter Stories


Public interest analyses of scooters in Nashville (w/ open data and source code)

View the Project on GitHub code-for-nashville/scooter-stories

Scooter Stories

These “data stories” were created by C4N volunteers in collaboration with Nashville Public Radio.

We hope these stories inform and engage the public in a conversation about scooters. The city plans to pick three companies in 2019 (Q4) who will be allowed to operate scooters in Nashville. So, we believe this is a great time to be looking at the data and discussing it as a community.


Each story was published via a tweet from the Code for Nashville Twitter. They are each listed here with a web view of the report and a link to the source code.

description report code date published tweet
scooter-report-card report1 code1 2019-10-11 [tweet1]